


optimized product
better product
Constantly optimized product configurations according to requirements in emerging areas
With these modules, we offer an optimized product generation for low- and medium-power industrial drives.
优势 专为码垛/卸垛应用优化的产品范围,包括吸盘、真空夹具、真空泵及符合人体工程学的搬运设备
Advantages with Piab Optimized product range for this application, anything from suction cups, vacuum grippers, vacuum pumps or ergonomic handling equipment.
in sales thanks to increased availaility and an optimized product portfolio.
然而,Micro Motion对EtherNet/IP技术开发拥有有限的经验,而这种开发经验可以确保提供给用户优化的产品。为了能够让解决方案快速面市,Micro Motion想到了让工业联网和通讯专家帮忙。
However, Micro Motion had limited experience with EtherNet/IP technology development that would ensure an optimized product for their customers. To help bring a solution to the market quickly, Micro Motion sought out the help of industrial networking and communication experts.
Supply better product sintering process for customer
Proven drivetrain designs customized to deliver optimized blend of product features, performance, dependability, and cost
Being under continuous improvement, CDQ technology assures best environmental protection, highly efficient energy recovery, optimised product quality and long-lasting, stable operation at reduced cost.
L&R 研发活动的目标是创造不断改进、更优化的产品,满足经济和生态要求。
The goal of L&R's development activities is to create better, optimized products which satisfy economic and ecological requirements.
We are always looking at new ways to optimize our offering and to add value to the products of our customers.
On display will be a group of our products optimized for [pool and bathtub filtration equipment], based on a theme of "water friendly and user friendly."
快速链接 成本优化的产品选择指南
Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC Product Selection Guide
Compact and energy-saving IWCs We work actively with the major OEM players on the Micro CHP market to develop products optimised for CHP operations.
We will combine the route networks of COSCON and CSCL to bring clients optimal product offerings.
Variants available optimised for harsh industrial, railway or indoor environment. SENCITY Spot-S Indoor
Technical Assistance provides support in defining the best products, refractories application techniques and thermo structural studies in order to improve the quality of the lime produced, reduce heat loss and improve the service life of the equipment.
归功于更优化的产品组合,包括毛利更高的大型冲床以及新型伺服冲床销售额的提升,协易公司的毛利率从24%增长到了26 % 。
Due to better product mix, including greater sales of higher margin larger presses and the Company's new servo presses, SEYI's Gross Profit Margin increased from 24% to 26%.
借助将近200 项全新或经过增强的功能, VMware vSphere 5 将继续设定虚拟化的标准,为所有关键业务应用程序提供更好的应用性能和可用性,同时实现日益广泛的数据中心资源管理的自动化 - 为合作伙伴提供一个稳健的平台,从而提供专为虚拟化环境进行优化的产品和服务。
With nearly 200 new and enhanced capabilities, VMware vSphere 5 will continue to set the standard in virtualization, delivering better application performance and availability for all business-critical applications while automating the management of an increasingly broad pool of datacenter resources - providing partners with a robust platform for delivering complementary offerings and services optimized for virtual environments.
The company from the production date is in strict accordance with the ISO9001 quality management system quality control, the current domestic advanced automation equipment and production technology, product structure, optimizing the injection molding sealing integration process, the lithium ion battery size bigger, waterproof, shockproof, anti oxidant protection circuit structure beautiful appearance; the built-in intelligent protection circuit board, to ensure product safety, environmental protection, high capacity, product performance, evaluation has attracted a lot of customers and customer satisfaction.
The company expects second-quarter 2016 revenues were increased by about 5.5 percent, plus or minus 3.5 percentage points. 2016 second quarter gross margin of about 34.0%, plus or minus 2.0 percentage points, less than the operating rate of expenditure so that the gross margin by about 60 basis points.




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