Advanced automation that extends from primary tubes to patient results helps optimize efficiency and walk-away time
By investing in performance-driven equipment and machinery that can keep up with developments in plastic products and processes, industry players will be able to optimise efficiency and enhance profitability.
It looks how small temperature differences have substantial impact on energy consumption and how the right thermostatic controls, power output controls and control of fan coil units and air handlers can optimise efficiency.
To optimize productivity and results, our Outdoor Rangers are designed with a full range of professional green care attachments.
这些测试诠释了VMware DRS如何在优化效率的同时确保高性能。
These tests demonstrate how VMware DRS optimizes efficiency while providing guaranteed levels of performance.
T-Link, the new Terex Tower Cranes telematics system, is a powerful yet simple tool to optimize efficiency and reduce costs.
在小于100mA的较小电流负载下,FAN5904 会切换至脉冲频率调制(PFM)模式,以便在功率放大器的输出功率低于20dBm时进一步优化效率。
Under lighter current loads of less than 100mA the FAN5904 will switch to PFM mode to further optimize efficiency when the PA's output power is less than 20dBm.
The issue of clustering NAPA activities or projects that have similar objectives or inputs as components of a comprehensive project package was highlighted as a useful approach for exploiting synergy and optimizing efficiency in implementation.
To this end, we have set up a one-billion-rupee Food Security Fund to optimize efficiency and boost agricultural production.
As has been Tribunal practice, and in order to optimize efficiency and reduce costs, the administrative sessions of the Tribunal will be held as far as possible in conjunction with the deliberations in the case.
In that regard, the Registrar noted that the Tribunal would make its best efforts to optimize efficiency and reduce operational costs, including by planning administrative sessions, as far as possible, in conjunction with judicial proceedings.
Customize Xshell to mesh with your workflow. Set key mappings and quick commands to optimize efficiency. Dock specific UI elements for easy access. Define start-up sessions and layout. Create the perfect user experience and put Xshell to work for you!
Riyadh would revise energy, water and electricity prices "gradually over the next five years" to optimise efficiency while minimising "negative effects on low and mid-income citizens and the competitiveness of the business sector", it added.
Girding the grid with cognitive computing improves forecasting and optimization.